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Because they are an area where wind lulls are common, where there is know wind, and can waste time when crossing the atlantic.

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Q: Why do the sailors avoid this doldrum?
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no it cant be chaNGED

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A sailing vessel is traveling along on an ocean voyage when it reaches a band of calm air that significantly curtails its movement The vessel is caught in?

a doldrum Sailors use the expressions " in irons " and " becalmed ", especially when the mighty sailing ships of yesteryear were in the Horse Latitudes of the Atlantic and Pacific. Everyday modern usage of the word " doldrum(s)" is used to describe a person(s) being in a depression or listless, lethargic, non-energetic, rather than to describe ships.

Are the doldrums found in the north pole?

For sailors, the doldrums are typically found in equatorial waters. The North Pole is covered with floating ice, so however calm and windless it may be -- which is rare, it is not a place where a sailor would use the word doldrum to describe the oceanic conditions.

What happens when you have doldrum?

Not much just the same old boring stuff.

How did sailors avoid scurvy?

Sailors ate Sauerkraut to prevent scurvy because it was high in vitamin C and a lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy

Absorption of infrared rays by co2 and other gases in the atmosphere?

it mite be doldrum..

Why do sailors avoid sailing in the doldrums?

There are no winds in the doldrums, so they can't catch any wind and move.

Where does the word doldrum originate?

Origin: 1795-1805; obsolete word "Dold" meaning "Stupid".

How do Odysseus and his men avoid the danger of the Sirens?

The sailors ears were plugged so that they could not hear and Odysseus was lashed to the mast.

Is the intertropical convergence zone as known as the doldrum?

Question: The doldrums happen in a zone known as the what? Answer: intertropical convergence zone