

Why do teachers make less money than sports players?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why do teachers make less money than sports players?
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A teachers salary can't be compared to NBA players salary.

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They don't they just get money alot less then the winners money

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Physical education teachers may less money in hourly pay than academic teachers. Physical education teachers make about 13 dollars an hour.

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rules got more/less strict so the players are more/less free to do things, and they change to an appropriate standard.

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Most of the time women aren't as talented as men

Are sports teams good for elementary schools?

yes its good that we have sports teams in elementary schools because kids focus more and pay more attention to the teacher and it doesn't just benefit the kids it also benefits the teachers by less fidgeting in class and less fooling around

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less childrens sports like less teams and stuff

How much money does baseball players make?

Ranges from less than 1 million, to a little over 20 million.

Are pro sports players paid too much?

No way should they get paid that much, all they do is play a GAME that millions of people would play for free never the less for millions of dollars. Why are people who play sports getting lots more money than people that help the community like teachers, doctors, altheletes should not get paid that much. Tiger Woods makes 110 million a year. what can you do with all that money? Atheletes are definently overpaid. Make the Tickets less money and change the hot dogs in games from the outrageous seven dollars to one or two.They contribute nothing to society. If they truly love the game, they wouldn't care how much they get paid.

Why is basketball a good sport for urban areas?

it does not require as much equipment(and is therefore cheaper) and can be played with less players than other popular sports such as baseball and football.

Should softball players get paid as much as baseball players?

Professional softball players are paid less than professional baseball players because softball is not as popular as baseball. Baseball has a much bigger market in the economy, as proven by the baseball stadiums, playing cards, t-shirts, and hats. Because of all the profits that these things generate, they are able to pay their players more. Softball does not have this kind of publicity, and there for the money that flows into the organizations involved in the sport do not draw as much money either. Because they do not draw as much revenue as the baseball organizations, they are not able to pay their players as much as baseball players get paid.

How much money does a TEACHER make monthly?

Most teachers make less than a total of $2000 a month after taxes. This is a yearly salary of around $30,000.