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They eat banana because it gives them vitamins which will fight diseases in their body if they encounter any injury during sports

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Q: Why do athletes eat bananas before intensive training?
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Why do athletes eat bananas before a strenuous activity?


Why do some athletes take bananas before their race?

Because they're high in potassium and energy.

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The batteries have a minimum 4 hour operating life before they are required to be recharged. light training reaction lights reaction training tool reaction training reflex training tool reaction training reflex training tool training products for athletes training products for athletes speed training system advanced sports training equipment speed training products speed training system sports training systems sports training systems advanced sports training equipment

Are green bananas a different variety from yellow bananas?

Yellow bananas are also green before ripening. There are quiter a few varieties of bananas however and some of them are green.


Unripe bananas are green and quite firm. Green bananas are often fried and used as a vegetable in some recipes.

How many bananas can a monkey eat before it throws up?

Monkeys will throw up after 18 bananas.

Can bananas heal people?

Yes, provided give preference to eat bananas during morning hours. Avoid eating bananas before you go to sleep.

What did athletes do before competing?

Most athletes stretch and eat a very healthy meal before competing to give them strength and make sure they're loose.

Are bananas good right before a game?

Bananas are excellent before a game as they contain potassium which will help you with fatigue and cramping, natural sugars for energy, and they are easy on the stomach.

Why do athletes have to get blood tests before a sport event?

Athletes have blood tests because they need to be tested for drugs.

Why pros draft college athletes before they graduate?

they do not.

Why is athletes have drug before the race?

to keep concentration