

Why did the basketball player throw a chicken in the net?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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There are a couple different answers to the joke, "why did the Basketball player throw a chicken in the net?" One is that "he tried to shoot a fowl ball." Another is that "he thought he said hoop, instead of coop."

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9y ago
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Q: Why did the basketball player throw a chicken in the net?
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Throw it into a BASKET (net) of course! its a game play object.

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Probably, but it depends on what size the girl is.

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its somewhat the same. Except in basketball we play on a court(wood, cement) and in soccer we play on field(mostly grass) and the major difference is in basketball we dribble(with hand) and in soccer we play with the foot. And of course the fouls are different.Hope that helped.