

Why did roman empires hold gladiator races?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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becuase the roman where not rich and thet did that they wanted to be rich

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Q: Why did roman empires hold gladiator races?
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Why did roman hold gladiator battles and chariot races?

Roman Emperors held gladiator battles and chariot races because they distracted the uneducated. They prevented revolts. They kept the poor entertained.

Why did Roman Emperor hold gladiators battles and chariot races?

Roman Emperors held gladiator battles and chariot races because they distracted the uneducated. They prevented revolts. They kept the poor entertained.

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Why did the ancient Romans hold chariot races?

What you rather have them hold, pig racing? The average Roman didn't really have much to look forward to except the occasional religious festival. So for a couple of silver coins you could get a seat and watch the exciting and risky chariot race. It was like football and motor-sport rolled into one they had teams with different colours and emblems plus they had different race types including using 2 horses, 4 horses and the most dangerous 8 horse races. In some respect its a gladiator match for the squeamish as the racers did risk their lives but at least they didn't have to die.

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Roman spectators watched chariot races in a circus. Circus in Roman times meant racecourse, it did not have the same meaning as today's word, circus. In the city of Rome itself, the Ciurcus Maximus was the main racecourse.

Why did roman emperors hold back gladiator battles and chariot races?

The emperors Augustus and Hadrian introduced laws which limited the amount of money which was spent on staging the gladiatorial games. This was because enormous sums were spent on this by elite people and there were worries that this could bring them to financial ruin. However, these measures were largely ignored and some emperors sent a fortune on staging large scale games which sometimes lasted for very long periods of time. This was particularly a problem for the gladiatorial games. The chariot races were less expensive.

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