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Q: Why did hakeem jaw drop whemnhe saw savon?
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How can you put the word jaw in a sentence?

"I just saw your jaw drop!"

What flavor is egg drop soup?

Chicken jaw

What is a lock jaw?

”lock jaw” is a medical condition to where the dogs mouth gets stuck when opening wide.

How many times does your jaw have to drop to say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcano...?

Maybe 19

How do you get a low Bb to come out on an Alto Saxophone?

Drop your jaw until you hit it without it going high/squeaking.

How many syllables does decimal have?

Three Count how many times your jaw drops when you say the word. So Dec - i - mal 1 + 1 +1 = 3 Your jaw will drop three times when saying this word

How can you improve your tone while playing your clarinet?

Drop your jaw, open your throat, use lots of air, imagine you are saying "oh."

You can't play a low f e or d on your alto saxophone do you know what's wrong?

drop your jaw so it will come out with a low sound

Where are the strong points of a crocodile?

in his Jaw in his Jaw in his Jaw

What is the jaw called?

Upper jaw is a maxilla, and the lower jaw is a mandible.

What is the correct name for a jaw?

jaw/jaw bone idiot

What is jaw cancer?

jaw cancer is a type of jaw sickness.