

Why are archery so special?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Why are archery so special?
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Artemis was the goddess of hunting and the goddess of archery.

Are knives archery?

Traditional archery consisted of a long bow (usually of yew) and a quiver (container) of arrows. So knives are not part of archery.

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Sword & blade craftmanship, archery, and brush painting.

Is there a special glove used to use a bow and arrow?

There are archery gloves available, yes.

What were Apollo's special powers?

Apollos powers where prophesy archery the lute and he drove a chariot pulling the sun behind him so he could make the seasons and night and day.

What do you use bow and arrows for today?

Competitive and recreational archery, hunting, military special operations.

What does a toxophilite do or practise?

A toxophilite is a person sho is a "lover" of archery. So a toxophilite practises archery & s/he is very good at this.

Archery Bows Archery Supplies Archery Equipment?

It is difficult to answer this "question", because there are so many archery supply stores around the world, and the list is continually changing every day. Probably the best way to find an archery supply store in your own region/locality is to look in your local telephone book for a "Sporting Goods Store" and/or "Archery Supply".