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yes u still get the point b/c the ball was out causeing the ball to be dead and u get the point if the oppising player hit the ball out of bounds on a RETURN if the opposing player served it and it was out they get 1 more do over and if it is out again u get the point whether u hit it back or not b/c once its out its dead

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No, If someone isn't paying attention or what not, and it hits them, the ball is then not in play and the point is awarded to the other player

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It's your point. Your opponent must hit the ball, before it bounces back on your side, and make it bounce on your side.

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12y ago

The opponent's

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Q: Who wins the point if on return the ball bounces on both sides before being hit for example I return the ball and it bounces on the opposing side then my side and then goes out of bounds...?
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that made no sense at all... It does make sense or atleast I understand, I do believe that it is considered out of bounds. I could be wrong but I think that if it goes over the backboard most refs call that out.

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If a ball is served over the opposing teams heads and is in bounds, they can back up and try to pass it, but if they fail to do so, the serving side receives a point for an ace, and they get to serve again.

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When a player steps on the out of bounds line, the ball is out of bounds and the opposing team will get possession. It doesn't matter if a defender commits a foul afterwards, the ball was out of bounds first, so this is the call.

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When a team earns a point because the opposing team has broken a rule of regulation, such as going out of bounds.

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Rules vary from state to state but in this case it is perfectly legal. So along as the players feet are in bounds. In highschool football its normally if one foot is in bounds and the other is not out of bounds and the player has control of the ball then its a catch

In basketball when a player has gone out of bounds and comes back with one foot on he court and one in the air is he out of bounds if he receives the ball again?

Both feet have to be established in bounds before the player can touch the ball again without being called out of bounds

In NFL if player is in bounds but the ball is out of bounds is it still a 1st down?

If the player fails to cross the ball where ever the marker is before he physically steps out of bounds then it is not a first down. Although I'm not certain, I think the ball has to cross the marker in bounds as well.

Can you run back football that bounces off goalpost?

dead ball, goal posts are considered same as out of bounds, unless ball goes through. in that case, it is a field goal, 3- points.

In football if the ball goes out of bounds and a player is inbounds and catches the ball when it is out but he isn't is it a complete pass?

The ball is not "out of bounds" unless the ball or the player who possesses it touches the ground in an out of bounds area. So in the case where the ball is in flight over the sideline, and a player who is inbounds catches it and demonstrates control before stepping out, the pass is complete.