

Who were alowed in the ancient Olympics?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Who were alowed in the ancient Olympics?
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Were girls alowed in the first Olympics?

No women, no slaves were alowed to take part in the ancient Olympic Games.

Why did the women in the ancient Olympics offend Zeus?

because they wasnt alowed to take part

Who could compete in the Ancient Greece Olympics?

men were the only ones alowed to compete

What did acient Olympians wear?

Ancient Olympians (770 BC) were only Alowed to be male even spectators were only Alowed to be male to enforce this rule they competed naked to ensure they were male.

Why were women not alowed at the Greek Olympics?

It was a male festival in honour of the god Zeus. Women had their own religious festivals from which men were excluded.

What did they wear in running in the Ancient Olympics?

In the Ancient Olympics the competitors were nude.

Why did the ancient Olympics begin?

they ancient Olympics begun to honor their gods

What is the connection Ancient Greece and the Olympics?

The Olympics is an Ancient Greek festival.

What did they use for the long jump in the ancient Olympics?

the diffrence between modern and ancient olympics is that it was not as safe and many were killed in ancient olympics

How are ancient Olympics different to modern Olympics?

ones ancient ones modern

When was the first ancient Olympics held and where?

the first ancient Olympics where head in grease

Who were able to complete in the ancient Olympics?

Only men were able to compete in the Ancient Olympics. Women were forbid to enter the Ancient Olympics, or, Olympia, as it was called back then.