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William Taft

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Q: Who was the first president to throw out the first baseball on opening day of the baseball season?
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Which president never threw opening pitch for baseball?

The idea of tossing out the first ball is relatively recent. None of the first 25 or so Presidents did it. Every president from Taft on threw out the first ball on opening day of a new major league season.

Who was the first president to open a baseball season?

President Theodore Roosevelt

Who was the president who started the tradition of throwing the first baseball to start the major league baseball season?

President William Howard Taft threw out the first ball of the season starting the tradition.

Who was the first president to not throw the first pitch of the baseball season?

George Washington.

Who was the fist president to open the baseball season in 1910?

The first President to open the baseball season was William Howard Taft. In 1910, he threw a baseball from the stands at Washington, D.C.'s Griffith Stadium.

First president to throw out the first pitch on opening day of Major League Baseball?

William Howard Taft

Who was the first president to open a baseball season in 1910?

william howard taft

Who was the first to president open the baseball season in 1910?

Wiiliam H. Taft

Who is the first president to throw the first ball of the new baseball season starting a new presidential tradition?

President Taft, 1909

Who was the first President to through out a ball at baseball game?

On 04-14-1910 President William H. Taft threw out the first pitch on Opening Day To start the 1910 season. Walter Johnson caught the ball. The home team Washington Senators were playing the Philadelphia Athletics.

Who started the custom of the president throwing out the first ball of the baseball season?

immigrants to north America

Which president started the traditon of throwing out the first baseball during an opening game of baseball?

Presidenrt William Howard Taft started the baseball tradition on Opening Day in 1910 at Griffith Stadium, home of the Washington Senators.