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Q: Who was the first president to open a basket ball season?
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President Taft, 1909

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President William Howard Taft threw out the first ball of the season starting the tradition.

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Who started the custom of the president throwing out the first ball of the baseball season?

immigrants to north America

What was the first thing used as hoops?

A peach basket. Whenever somebody made a basket, somebody would have to climb a ladder and get the ball out. Also, the first ball used in basketball was a soccer ball.

What year basket ball was invented?

Ronnald Frisjerald was the third to create a basket ball, no one knows the first or second.

What did James Naismith use for his first basketball hoop?

The first basketball hoop was a peach basket.

Which president never threw opening pitch for baseball?

The idea of tossing out the first ball is relatively recent. None of the first 25 or so Presidents did it. Every president from Taft on threw out the first ball on opening day of a new major league season.

Who was the first basket ball player?

the first basket ball player was James Naismith he invented and played basket ball it was 1891 and he was thinking of a way to keep his students occupied on the winter days so he nailed a peach basket to a 10 foot elevated track and he didn't remove the bottom so every time someone made a shot they had 2 go up 10 feet to get the ball

What are khufu's hobbies?

playing basket ball and watching basket ball