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Yao Ming

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Q: Who was the first basketball player to score in their own hoop?
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Related questions

Where do basketball players score?

in the basketball hoop

Does the player face their basketball hoop when jumping for the ball?

yes when jumping for a basketball the team player jumping faces their basketball hoop..

In basketball how and where can you score from?

In Basketball you score by getting the ball through the centre of the hoop (ring, basket, net) and you can score from anywhere within the boundaries of the court.

What is offensive score in basketball?

It is when the offense puts the ball thru the hoop

What does drive mean in a basketball game?

Go to the hoop so you can score.

What is a basketball goal?

goal? as in hoop? To stand straight and 10" tall, and be round so the ball can go in it.

What is a basketball net?

a game in which two teams of five players each compete to throw a ball through a hoop.

What is another name for basket in basketball?


How does an electronic basketball game keep score?

They have sensors on the rim of the basketball hoop that give you a point every time the sensors recognize the ball has gone completely through the hoop.

How tall is a basketball player?

over 2/3 height of basketball hoop

What is the difference between a netball hoop and a basketball hoop?

Basketball has a backboard for the ball to bounce off. Netball hoops just have a hoop no backboard. You have to be very acurate. Also in netball the diameter of the rings is 3 inches smaller.

What was the first basketball hoop?

a peach basket