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Their first names were James, Laurent, and Victoria. I don't know their last names.

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Q: Who was the family that came to the cullen's baseball game?
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What game was the Cullens playing when Bella was threated?

They were playing Baseball

What song is playing at the cullens baseball game?

muse:super massive black hole

What scean is after the piano in twilight?

Well the only scene in which there is a piano is when Bella is at the Cullens' house, meeting the Cullens. While she is at the Cullens' she and Edward are talking in his room and Alice and Jasper come in to invite them to a game of baseball(Cullen style). Bella goes home to change, introduces Charlie to Edward as her boyfriend and they meet the rest of the Cullens' at the clearing for the infamous baseball scene.

In twilight when the Cullens were playing baseball was Emmett Cullen mad?

No, Emmett wasn't mad. He was just VERY into the game. ::)

After the confrontation with the Cullen's and the Nomads Twilight Book Who escorted Bella to the Cullen's house?

Edward escorted Bella back too the cullens house, after the cullens game of baseball was interupted by James,Victoria and laurent

What sport was edward and his family playing when the bad vampires came?

Edward and his family were playing baseball when the bad vampires arrived, as it provided them a cover for their superhuman abilities due to the loud noises and fast movements of the game.

In twilight who do you meet in the baseball field?

You meet all the Cullens when Edward brings Bella to his house, but at the game, the Cullen's meet Laurent, James and Victoria.

Who are the vampires that show up when the cullen's play baseball?

The vampires who show up when the Cullens play baseball are Victoria, James, and Laurent. They are nomadic vampires who are passing through the area and become intrigued by the Cullens playing an intense game of baseball.

What game was the Cullen's playing when Bella was threatened?

The Cullens were playing baseball. The teams were Edward, Alice, and Jasper against Carisle, Rosalie and Emmet. Laurent, James and Victoria intruded during the game.

Did America invent baseball?

Yes and No Baseball originated from the game rounders which came from Europe. But America tweaked the game to what it is now

Who was the true leader of the gang of vampires who interrupted the cullens baseball game?

I would say it would be larunt, but he can't controll James or Victoria he does all the talking though