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David Tyree of the NY Giants

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Q: Who made the most incredible catch in super bowl history by pinning the ball against his helmet as he fell?
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How well does a football helmet protect against impact?

Can't tell if you've accidentally placed this question in the wrong category, or if you want to use a motorcycle helmet for bike riding. But basically any helmet is better than no helmet, but a helmet built for the intended usage is better than just using any helmet. In this case a football helmet is designed to be able to take several hits with lesser energy than compared to a motorcycle helmet. An MC helmet is expected to protect against one massive hit and then to be discarded.

What is the meaning of greek helmet?

A helmet is a head gear that was worn by the Greek soldiers. It was meant to shield the head against attacks from enemies.

What item is always hidden in the clothing catalog every month in club penguin?

A red viking helmet.... and if click on the hidden button for the viking helmet 4 times, you'll get the blue viking helmet, with a description saying- "Gadzooks! You've found the blue viking helmet! Incredible!"

What is the Name for Elizabethan helmet?

At this time in history the helmet was called a cupon or the hat of iron and sttel because of how it could protect your head.

Is there a website that shows the changes in the history of the football helmet?

Is wearing a helmet good for riding a bike?

As long as you don't fall off, wearing a helmet or not doesn't matter. But if you should fall off, a helmet offers easy and inexpensive protection against head injuries.

Why we use helmet?

Usually for safety - to protect your head, for example, against falling objects.

Was Craig McTavish was the last player to play without a helmet?

Yes he was the last NHL player, playing without a helmet. See:

Who was the first man to wear a helmet?

graham yallop of australia was the first player to wear helmet in a test match against west indies at bridgetown on 17 march 1978.

Is a runescape Granite body and helmet good for rangers?

No, they are good protection against rangers though.