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There are 9 different major organizations in the Uechi Ryu style. The primary one is probably the Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Association - the Soke Shubukan - and the head of the group is Kanmei Uechi.

IUKF headed by Sensei George Mattson is the largest and perhaps the best Uechi-Ryu organiztion in the US. There are few other Uechi-Ryu organizations in the US, but they are very small.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Sokkon Matsmura, but he's dead; even his contemporaries in Okinawa, considered him to be the strongest among them. Gichin Funakoshi himself said that even in his old age, his own skills could not touch Matsmura's. Okinawa, actually, in fact had two Karateka, whose skills were considered equal, and were considered the best ever; they were, Sokkon Matsmura as mentioned, and Kanryo Higashiona. Both Matsmura, and Higashiona, developed "strong Ki" just from hard training; no meditation, no Chinese Chi Kung, just drilling in basics and Kata. Their very pressence, was enough to intimidate people; according to Okinawan accounts, they could stop bar and street brawls, simply by glaring at the trouble makers.

That is the highest achievement of Karate; "to stop a fight before it even begins." A lot of westerners misunderstand that; they think that the "highest achievement" is simply being a perfect gentleman, or having such exemplary manners from Martial Arts etiquette, that you can stop a fight just on good manners. That is not really a high achievement because good manners is something anyone can practice if they try. What IS a high achievement, however, is to become so skilled, to posses so much power, that is muscle harmony, that people with no experience with "sizing up" people can tell you are strong, and even a sadistic killer, or violent brawler, will be too terrified to start something with you. It is a high achievement because the martial artist in question is not even consciously attempting intimidation; violent people, are naturally afraid of them.

The highest achievement in martial arts, is such total mastery, that the violent are afraid, and the peaceful are drawn to you. That, according to Okinawan Karate philosophy, is what defines a true master.

In this day and age, even in Okinawa, if such a master does exist he is not known to the world because, see, masters of martial arts tend to be very humble, very private people, and they loathe the limelight. Out of 100 masters that may exist in a period of 500 years in China or Japan, only 10 of them will be famous, and it is fame that they did not seek, they only become famous because grateful students get the word out about so and so who taught them their martial art. In other words someone as tough as Matsumura or Higashiona may exist somewhere in Japan, but he is unknown to the world.

My apologies, but your question can not be adequately answered; strictly speaking most mature Karate instructors, do not like comparing people, their only concern is testing skills to ensure that theories actually work. Men and women who are considered the "strongest," are the ones who hold the most success in said skill tests, however, said tests are not sporting competitions, they are generally done under the eyes of higher ranked instructors, usually 7th, 8th, and 9th dans.

If you wish to know who the most powerful Karateka in the world is, look for a Japanese or Okinawan man, who does not even have a belt, but who used to have one. In Japan, the moment you become a master, your belt gets taken away, because your skill can no longer be measured; to attain flawless perfection, means that to "rank" you is insulting, that is why that tradition exists. Find the man with no belt rank; that man is probably the strongest Karateka in the world.

I think Mas Oyama would be have to be considered the toughest Karate fighter, he used to kill bulls with his bear hands by punching them.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I'd have to say Chuck Norris.

Though that, too, is likely not true. Though he is certainly the most famous practitioner, that is by no means any indication of his skill.

I would recommend googling 'karate champion' and see what you get.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The highest rank in karate is 10th Dan also called a tenth degree black belt.

Tenth-Dan is the highest rank in karate. They are called Masters. However from 5-Dan onwards you are considered a high rank Karateka.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The highest rank in karate is 10th Dan also called a tenth degree black belt.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Tenth-Dan is the highest rank in karate. They are called Masters. However from 5-Dan onwards you are considered a high rank Karateka.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

{| |- | The 10th Dan is the highest ranking. There are many dozens of different styles. Typically each style only has a single 10th Dan. They are considered the head of their style. |}

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I'd say that Chuck Norris is probably the most famous karate practitioner to the general public.

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