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With no addtional information available, the winning pitcher is the relief pitcher who came in in the 4th inning. Remember, a starting pitcher must pitch five complete innings before he can be credited with a win.

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Q: Who gets the credit win as a pitcher when the game is tied up 3-3 in the 4th inning and the relieve pitcher comes in and the final score is 6-3 a win?
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If a relief pitcher starts 1 inning but is replaced by another pitcher before any outs are recorded. How is that scored for the picher considering he recorded no outs.?

For example, if a pitcher comes in to start the seventh inning, gives up two base hits and is replaced without recording an out, the box score will show he pitched 0 innings. At the bottom of the box score it will have a statement "<name of pitcher> pitched to two batters in the seventh inning'. Sometimes you hear broadcasters refer to it as 'plus'. Say the starter is replaced after giving up a base hit in the seventh inning but before recording any outs. You might hear the broadcaster say "<name of pitcher> went six plus innings today".

Nickname for a Major League Baseball pitcher?

Randy Johnson - The big Unit The nicknames of a baseball pitcher are as follows; hurler, fireballer ( a good fastball pitcher), starter ( usually only starts games) ace ( your best starting pitcher), reliever ( takes over in later innings for a starter), setup man ( 8th inning guy who sets up for the 9th inning) closer ( comes in usually only for the 9th inning to close out a game) middle reliever, southpaw ( a left handed pitcher), lefty, righty, some one who is "on the bump" is a pitcher and it refers to the pitcher's mound, Knuckleballer ( a pitcher who usually only throws a slow, hard to hit knuckleball), specialist ( usually refers to a left handed pitcher that only pitches to left handed batters). That's all I can think of right now.

What is the difference between the American and National baseball leagues about Substituting players?

As far as the rules are concerned, there are no differences between the two leagues. The differences are in strategy and how to use players and mostly involve the pitcher. One tactic used in the National League is called the 'double switch'. This usually occurs late in a close ball game when the pitcher is due up to bat in the following inning. When a manager comes out to remove a pitcher sometimes he will also remove a fielder. Usually, this fielder has batted in the previous inning, maybe even made the final out of the inning. Since the manager has replaced two players, he may designate where the players will bat in the batting order. So the manager will place the new fielder in the batting position of the pitcher and the pitcher in the batting order of the replaced player. That allows the new fielder to bat in the next inning and places the pitcher to bat much later in the order.

Pitcher enters a game in the top of the 9th. His team is down by 1 run. A runner is caught stealing before he throws a pitch. His team wins the game in the bottom of the 9th. Is he the winning pitcher?

Yes. Even though the pitcher did not throw a pitch he was the pitcher of record when the winning runs scored. So he would get credit for the win. Let's say this happened in the 6th inning: A pitcher comes in with the bases loaded, two out, and his team is trailing 6-4. He picks the runner off of first base before he throws a pitch. In the bottom of the 6th the pitcher is pinch hit for and his team scores 4 runs to put his team ahead 8-6. The game ends with a score of 8-7. The pitcher would be credited with the win in this case because, as before, he was the pitcher of record when the go-ahead runs scored. I cannot recall this ever happening but, by rule, a pitcher can be credited with a win without throwing a single pitch.

What is a 'save' in baseball?

A save is when a relief pitcher comes in with his team leading and finishes the game without giving up the lead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not all such appearances are saves. To be credited with a save, the pitcher's team must win, he must be the pitcher at the end of the game, and he must not be credited with the win. (Essentially the above answer.) But then he must qualify in one of three additional ways: (1) he pitched effectively for at least three innings; (2) he came into the game with his team leading by no more than 3 runs, and pitched at least one full inning; or (3) he entered the game with the tying run on base, at bat, or on deck.

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If a pitcher has men on base and has to leave game and another pither comes in and gives up a run when the game is tied who gets the loss if it happens in the 9th inning?

The pitcher that left the game with the game tied and runners on base would receive the loss if the relieving Pitcher gives up any of those runs because the previous Pitcher would be considered the current Pitcher of record until either the 9th inning ends or until all runners the previous Pitcher allowed to get on base either scores or are called out.

If a relief pitcher starts 1 inning but is replaced by another pitcher before any outs are recorded. How is that scored for the picher considering he recorded no outs.?

For example, if a pitcher comes in to start the seventh inning, gives up two base hits and is replaced without recording an out, the box score will show he pitched 0 innings. At the bottom of the box score it will have a statement "<name of pitcher> pitched to two batters in the seventh inning'. Sometimes you hear broadcasters refer to it as 'plus'. Say the starter is replaced after giving up a base hit in the seventh inning but before recording any outs. You might hear the broadcaster say "<name of pitcher> went six plus innings today".

Nickname for a Major League Baseball pitcher?

Randy Johnson - The big Unit The nicknames of a baseball pitcher are as follows; hurler, fireballer ( a good fastball pitcher), starter ( usually only starts games) ace ( your best starting pitcher), reliever ( takes over in later innings for a starter), setup man ( 8th inning guy who sets up for the 9th inning) closer ( comes in usually only for the 9th inning to close out a game) middle reliever, southpaw ( a left handed pitcher), lefty, righty, some one who is "on the bump" is a pitcher and it refers to the pitcher's mound, Knuckleballer ( a pitcher who usually only throws a slow, hard to hit knuckleball), specialist ( usually refers to a left handed pitcher that only pitches to left handed batters). That's all I can think of right now.

What is the difference between the American and National baseball leagues about Substituting players?

As far as the rules are concerned, there are no differences between the two leagues. The differences are in strategy and how to use players and mostly involve the pitcher. One tactic used in the National League is called the 'double switch'. This usually occurs late in a close ball game when the pitcher is due up to bat in the following inning. When a manager comes out to remove a pitcher sometimes he will also remove a fielder. Usually, this fielder has batted in the previous inning, maybe even made the final out of the inning. Since the manager has replaced two players, he may designate where the players will bat in the batting order. So the manager will place the new fielder in the batting position of the pitcher and the pitcher in the batting order of the replaced player. That allows the new fielder to bat in the next inning and places the pitcher to bat much later in the order.

Pitcher enters a game in the top of the 9th. His team is down by 1 run. A runner is caught stealing before he throws a pitch. His team wins the game in the bottom of the 9th. Is he the winning pitcher?

Yes. Even though the pitcher did not throw a pitch he was the pitcher of record when the winning runs scored. So he would get credit for the win. Let's say this happened in the 6th inning: A pitcher comes in with the bases loaded, two out, and his team is trailing 6-4. He picks the runner off of first base before he throws a pitch. In the bottom of the 6th the pitcher is pinch hit for and his team scores 4 runs to put his team ahead 8-6. The game ends with a score of 8-7. The pitcher would be credited with the win in this case because, as before, he was the pitcher of record when the go-ahead runs scored. I cannot recall this ever happening but, by rule, a pitcher can be credited with a win without throwing a single pitch.

When a pitcher allows 5 runs in first inning and then a Relief pitcher comes in and allows 7 more runs to end game 12 to 5 Who gets the loss?

That would depend on when those five runs were scored for the pitcher's team. If the team was always behind in the game, the first pitcher would get the loss. However, if the pitcher's team made the score 5-5 before the relief pitcher gave up the seven runs, then the relief pitcher would get the loss.

How does a pitcher earn a hold?

If a pitcher comes in with the lead and does not surrender the lead to the opposing team, he earns a hold.

What does capacity mean when it comes to credit?


What is a 'save' in baseball?

A save is when a relief pitcher comes in with his team leading and finishes the game without giving up the lead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not all such appearances are saves. To be credited with a save, the pitcher's team must win, he must be the pitcher at the end of the game, and he must not be credited with the win. (Essentially the above answer.) But then he must qualify in one of three additional ways: (1) he pitched effectively for at least three innings; (2) he came into the game with his team leading by no more than 3 runs, and pitched at least one full inning; or (3) he entered the game with the tying run on base, at bat, or on deck.

Is designated hitter eliminated after hitting from hitting again in the same game?

No, the designated hitter hits for the whole game unless he is replaced by another player. You may be getting the rule mixed up with the National League. If a pitcher has completed an inning and the manager feels he has done his duty on the mound, he will call in a pinch-hitter for the pitcher (if he comes to bat before they go back out on the field). That hitter will only hit for that one time, then the next pitcher will take his place in the lineup. If they happen to bat around that inning, the pinch hitter will bat again.

Do strikes go away when the pitcher is replaced in the middle of an at bat?

No, the number of balls and strikes stays the same when the new pitcher comes in.