

Which would go farer football or softball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Which would go farer football or softball?
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softball, basketball,football, hockey... go to there website and see

Is Hitting a softball in the cold or heat go longer?

i would assume the heat.

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Of the eight planets, a football kicked with the same force would go highest on Mercury.

What is a preparation phrase for fielding in softball?

"Get done and go for the ball right now,"as my couch would say.

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Yes it does. Will a hard compression ball go farther than a softer one? The harder the ball the farther it will travel.

What are the main softball rules?

There is softball for dummies. Just go to WALLMART or Office max and you'll find it!!

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you don't go to it

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go to a softball game

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Beacuse its the national sport and you like it. Why would you go to see a football match if you were English? Why would you go to baseball if you were American? Beacuse its the national sport and you like it. Why would you go to see a football match if you were English? Why would you go to baseball if you were American?

Does a baseball or a softball goes further if you hit it from the same distance?

no, thethe gravity of a baseball is bigger than a softball's. so baseball has more friction than softball. hence, if you hit both of them from the same speed ,baseball will go further than softball.

Which go farther a Nerf football or pro football by the same quarter back?

A Nerf ball would go further but, less accurate.

Do girls play softball in Spain?

yes girls do play softball in spain- if you don't beleive me, go to Spain!