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Gravity and wind resistance.

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Q: Which two forces cause a baseball hit with a baseball bat to fall down to earth?
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What causes the earth to slow down its orbit?

Tidal forces between the Sun and the Earth cause friction in Earth's surface - sort of a rippling - that slows the orbit. It is easier to see these tidal forces acting on the water in our oceans than it is to see in our land, but they are there.

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Weathering breaks down rocks on the Earth's surface by wind, rain, or ice.

When you throw a ball it goes up then goes down why?

The force of gravity pulls it back down to Earth.

Which force pulls everything down to earth?

The force that pushes downward on objects on earth is called gravity.

How does faulting of the earth's layer occur?

Faulting occurs when tensional forces act in opposite directions and cause one slab of the rock to be displaced up and the other slab down.

What is endogenic?

endogenic forces have their origin deep down in the earth's interior and they work from below

What forces caused to roll down the incline?

The Earth's gravity will force a round object to roll down an incline (slope).

Does the Earth have any forces?

The answer is yes. One of Earth's many forces is gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls you down, and prevents you from floating into space. Signed,yours truly, really smart girl

What forces beneath and above the earth shape its surface?

the cause of contributing the gravel Pressure, erosion, they can be melted down to form magma, they can cool from magma and form rock, that's a very general question.

Why are you stuck to the earth?

cause gravity always pulls you down