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Papa New Genuia

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Q: Which teams competed against the Kangaroo's in the 2010 rugby league Four nations?
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When the US voted against joining the League of Nations?

The other nations lost some confidence in the league

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How did the league of nations fail during the invasion of Abyssinia?

Britain and France wanted Mussolini as an ally against Hitler the league of nations failed to protect their countries.

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This is because Utah rebelled against Canada which is why the league of nations wasn't part of world war 1

Why was the US not in the league of the nations?

The United States didn't join the League of Nations because some Americans, including senators and other government officials, disliked the idea of the League of Nations, because it went against U.S. policies of isolationism.

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What international body was formed after World War 1?

The League of Nations.

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Had no standing army and no real power to enforce its decrees

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