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Q: Which basketball term is defined as a another name for a basket or field goal?
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What is the proper name for a 2 point basket in basketball?

Field goal (I think)

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Which basketball term is defined as to pass to a teammate that leads directly to a field goal?


What is a field goal in basketball mean?

any basket that is made when the defense is defending (ie not a free throw/foul shot)

What does FGA mean in basketball stats?

Field Goal, making a basket worth 2 points.

What is a basketball net?

a game in which two teams of five players each compete to throw a ball through a hoop.

What is mean by a field goal and how many points are awarded in basketball?

In basketball, a "field goal" is the official term for any basket made from the floor other than a free throw. Most of the scoring in a basketball game is field goals. They are worth two points, or three points if the shot is taken from behind the 3-point arc.

How is volleyball differint then basketball?

in voley ball U dont go to the oponents side while basket ball u can go anywhere in the field.

What is a ''field goal'' in Basketball?

It's when a player makes a basket during the normal play of the game. Dunks, layups, jump shots, & 3 point shots are examples of field goals. A free throw is NOT a field goal because it doesn't occur during the normal play of the game.It is when you throw the ball into the basket

How many feet away is the basketball field goal?

Theres no field goal in basketball.

What type of playing field does basketball require?

You play basketball on a court, not a "playing field".

What is the name for the field of play for basketball?

Basketball Court