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A tennis ball because it is smaller so it contains less air, causing it to bounce higher.

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Q: Which ball will bounce the highhest a basketball or a tennisball?
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What is a ball that dose not bounce?

it is a baseball or a tennisball.

How do you bounce ball in basketball?

you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.

Will a basketball bounce higher than a tennis ball or will a tennis ball bounce higher than a basketball?

It really depends how hard you bounce either one, but i think the tennis ball.

Which ball will bounce higher a wiffle ball or a basketball?

most likely a basketball

Which ball bounce highest?


What is to dribble a basketball?

It's when you bounce the ball.

Will a basketball or tennis ball bounce higher with more air?

i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can a basketball bounce with Rubbing Alcohol?

no basketball can't not bounce with rubbing alcohol because that is not something that can bounce a basket ball. I am just using my opinion

Will grass make a basketball bounce?

No,of course not, the friction between the basketball and the grass would make the ball bounce less.

If a basketball player is out of bounce can he touch the ball when it is still in?

yes, but the ball will be out of bounds

What is are an basketball?

a round ball you bounce and throw in a tall net

What is a basketball bladder?

It holds the air in the ball so it can bounce