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You use it at the sea bed or at a buoy, or bout...sorry cant spell it. :)

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Q: Where would you use a wave energy machine?
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SHould you use Wave Energy?

Personally i think we should use wave energy because it well help the environment and it can be cheaper than the regular electricity and fossil fuel. SO I WOULD SAY YES TO WAVE ENERGY

How do you use water wave energy?


What kind of energy does a machine use?

The energy that is used to make a machine run is electrical energy.

Is it possible to use a simple machine and do less work than you would have done without the machine?

That isn't possible, not with a simple machine and not with a complicated machine, since otherwise, conservation of energy would be violated.

What energy does a washing machine use?

* Electrical Energy *

Is the hair wave machine invented by Marjorie Joyner still in use today?

The wave machine is not used anymore and is now a thing we like to call hair curler.

Does a wave power station use renewable energy?

Yes, wave power is renewable.

What type of energy does a washing machine use?

it uses kiknetic energy

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yes its a use energy and giv us light.......

What places can use wave power?

wave energy as in tidal energy? because it is being used! in France and planned for the bay of fundy in canada. erosion does present a problem but theyre working on it. No, wave energy is different. Can be used where there are sufficient waves.

What type of energy salters duck use?

Its wave power

How are wavelength frequency intensity and energy in an electromagnetic wave?

You will need to have the right formula. The best one to use would be wavelength=frequency/speed of light. to find energy you would need energy=frequency*h. And intensity=power/area.