

Where is skiing most popular?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Throughout Europe and the U.S

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Q: Where is skiing most popular?
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What state is popular for skiing?

Skiing is the most popular in Colorado.

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What is the most popular country for skiing?

It depends what type of skiing you want to do. There is cross county, helicopter skiing and downhill.

What are the most popular winter sports in the US?

I think that it just depends where you are. In Colorado, I can almost guarantee that snow skiing is more popular than water skiing. If you are on the coasts or have a large mass of water in your state, and no mountains, then water skiing will be more popular than snow skiing.

What is more popular in 2010 snoawboarding or skiing?

Skiing is much more popular. In Europe where most skiing is done are the snowboarders just a few percent of all people in a ski resort.

What is Olympics most popular sport?

free style skiing

What are facts about skiing?

One of the most popular winter sports!!

Where is freestyle skiing most popular?

LOON MOUNTAINlincoln, nh

What is the most popular equipment for water-skiing?

I am a skiier and the most popular equipment is a wetsuit, waterskiis, a pair of gloves and a soft, comfortable tow rope. (the bit you hold onto when skiing)

Most popular sport in Austria?

You can play most of the common sports in Austria but Austria is famous for its soccer and of course for the sports played in winter. skiing, snowboarding, ski-jumping and so on.

What are the most popular winter Olympic sports?

Freestyle Skiing - Aerials

Was skiing or snowboarding more popular in 2006 winter season?

In the Alps were most of the skiing in the world is done are the snowboarders around 2-3% of all the people in the slopes so skiing is much more popular then snowboarding.