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Woahh that's a long question lols.

The best answer i cud give is to type it into Google . good luck lmao

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Q: Where are the alpines located how high are the alpines what type of animals live in the alpines what type of weather does the alpines have how cold does the temperature in the alpines get?
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No, they are cold blooded animals and weather doesnt affect them. Unlike us, we are warm blooded. Hope this helps you(:

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Where are located the deserts?

Deserts are located in areas that have pretty consistent weather. There are hot deserts and cold deserts because the temperature and climate are constant and almost unchanging.

What factor do you think is the cause of low temperature that city?

Explanation: There are certain factors that affects a certain area's temperature and of which is the location of that place. And the other is its closeness to the equator. Basically, in a certain country, if your area is located in a high altitude place, you experience low temperature (cold weather) and if your area is located in the lower grounds, expect high temperature (warmer weather). Another factor would also be your country's closeness from the equator. The closer it is, the lower your temperature will be. That is why we have what we call tropical countries like The Philippines. Other countries with tropical weather: Brazil Peru Vietnam Laos Cambodia Bahamas

Is temperature a weather?


How can geologic features affect weather?

Where you are located, the weather will differ. Eg. it will NEVER snow in the desert. Mountains can cause chinooks. Large bodies of water lead to less fluctuations in temperature.

What does weather deal with?

Weather deals with temperature and climate.

How does air temperature contribute to the weather?

it changes the weather

Do day to day weather conditions have any effect on the temperature?

no, The weather does not have any affect on the temperature, it just seems to make the temperature.