no we cant be a wrist and finger spinner in cricket
It is a noun. My wrist hurts. So it is literal.
my wrist hurts real bad
No... it shouldn't hurt, much of my friends have broken their wrists and I haven't heard them complaining that it hurts once the cast was removed...SV
In cricket, wrist spin is the act of spinning the ball in the air with a wrist-flicking motion before the ball is removed from the hand.
If its red, hurts and puffy around the pierceing
it depends if it hurts you really bad or not
OK do it try it if it hurts don't do it
No. Unless it makes like a crack sound or something.
If there is a painful lump above your wrist that hurts when you touch it, extend your fingers, when you roll your wrist or when you grip onto something you may have damaged a tendon or ligament. Your best bet is to talk to your health care provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate testing.
it is probably sprained
say it hurts whenever i bend it!