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The 1900 Games in Paris when the team from Great Britain defeated the team from France, 4-0.

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Q: When was the first soccer game played in the Olympics?
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What is the first game played in the Olympics?


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the first first intercollegiate soccer game was held in new yersey.

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What day did the Olympics start?

The first Olympics game was played at Helsinki in 1928 in Greece.

Where were the first modern Olympics game played?

The first modern Olympic games were played in Athens

When was the first admitted of soccer in olympic game?

Football made its debut at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris.

When was the first night soccer game ever played?

In 1865

What years have US played for soccer?

The United States played its first international soccer game in 1884 and they have had an international team from then on.

Where was the first soccer game played at?

its hard to know but i think its was played a mexico or england

What was the date of the first soccer game played at?

Type your answer here... in 1865 at europe