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Q: When did women first play archery in the Olympics?
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When did women play archery in the Olympics?

Since the very first Olympics which took place in ancient Greece. It was considered a "hunter's" sport.

What countries play archery at the Olympics?

brazil and america

Can men only play archery?

Archery is for both men and women

All the womens who play for the Olympics?

=1800000 Women play at the Olympics990000 Men play at the Olympics=

What did women do in the Olympics?

they used to play naked

Women allowed to play in the Olympics?


What do women do in the Olympics?

they used to play naked

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What year were women allowed to play in the Olympics?

It was in 1900 when women were allowed to participate in the Olympics. The 1900 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France.

When were woman allowed to play hockey in the Olympics?

The first women's ice hockey event was at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano.

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When did they start to play hockey in the Olympics?

There is no such thing as women's hockey. It is merely a fixed spectacle created to give women the idea that they are equal. The women's hockey teams roll a dice to decide the olympic gold medal winners, silver, etc..