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2010 April 14th

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Q: When did the 2010 NHL playoffs begin?
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Related questions

What date did the 2011 NHL playoffs begin?

The 2011 NHL playoffs began on April 13.

When does 2010 NHL playoffs start?


Who was in the 2010 NHL championship playoffs?

The Chicago Blackhawks.

What day did the NHL playoffs begin?

Which season? I cannot give an answer unless you specify a specific year.

When do the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs begin?

Usually around Aprilish(April)

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What teams were in the 2010 NHL playoffs?

Only the Chicago Blackhawks and the Philadelphia Flyers remain

Where can you find a 2009-2010 NHL Playoffs Chart?

Check the related links for this one.

What date do the 2010 NHL playoffs end?

Game 6- June 9th, 2010 Game 7- June 11th, 2010

When did the NHL playoffs end for 2010?

The 2010 NHL Playoffs ended on June 6, 2010, Game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals, 4:06 into overtime, when Patrick Kane of the Chicago Blackhawks put the puck into the back of the Philadelphia Flyers' net on a bad angle shot.

What does an NHL player earn during the playoffs?

NHL players do not get paid during the playoffs.

When do playoffs start MLB?

The 2010 playoffs will begin within a couple of days after the regular season ends on October 3.