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Q: When a player receives a penalty and they score and they are scored on does the player leave penalty box?
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When can a player not leave the penality box after a goal is scored?

A player always has the option to leave the penalty area. There are sometimes consequences for doing so. For example, a goal keeper could be penalized for leaving the penalty area with the ball still in their hands.

When a goal keeper receives a blue card in soccer do they have to leave the game or does another player leave for them?

In soccer, there is no such thing as a blue card. However, indoor soccer (A similar by distinct sport) uses the blue card to indicate a time penalty for certain fouls. If the goalkeeper receives a blue card, another player will serve that time in their place.

In hockey if you have a 5 minute major penalty can you get out if the other team scores?

In common Ice Hockey games, 5 minute major penalties are served for the entire 5 minute period. If a goal is scored during that 5 minute period, the penalized player serving the penalty may not return to the ice, until the entire penalty has been served.

Why did neil redfearn leave oldham athletic?

He left bcuase he fell out with Joe Royle the manager at the time. He left the season they got promoted where he scored the winning penalty that won the title.

Can you kick a soccer ball into the goal and score after the goalie deflects it on a penalty kick?

If by goal box you mean goal area, a box 6 yards from the goal. Then Yes, a goal may be scored within the box. EXCEPT: A goal cannot be scored on yourself from a goal kick or free kick awarded with in the your own goal area. If the ball is kicked from a goal kick or free kick awared with in your own goal area and enters your own goal the proper restart is a goal kick as the ball must leave the pentaly area to be in play. FIFA Laws of the Game.

What is the penalty for not enough players on the football field?

In American football, there is no penalty for not enough players on the field for a play. Should there be too many players on the field, there is a penalty called for illegal participation (five yards). But if a team has too few, there is no penalty called. There technically is no penalty for having too few players on the field. However, the offense always has to have at least seven men on the line of scrimmage and an eligible receiver on each end of the line. If the offense didn't meet this requirement, they would be flagged for an illegal formation.

Can a keeper run up to the penalty box throw the ball forward leave the penalty area and kick it further?

Yes. The goalkeeper may leave the penalty area at any time during play, but cannot touch the ball with his hands while outside of the area.

What is a penalty goal in soccer?

A penalty kick is awarded when a defender commits a direct free kick offense, against an attacker, within his own penalty area, and during active play. The penalty kicker places the ball on the penalty mark, 12 yards from the goal, and gets a one-on-one kick against the opposing goal keeper. All other players must be outside of the penalty area, 10 yards from the ball, and behind the ball at the taking of the kick.

Should juveniles receive the death penalty?

No, nobody should receive the death penalty. An eye for an eye will just leave the world blind.

Is there a penalty mark for wrong answers?

There is no penalty for wrong answers. Although if you leave an answer that is incorrect it maybe deleted by another user and answered correctly.

What is the penalty for high jacking a plane under British law?

leave to remain in Britain Ans,2: That is nonsense. The penalty is a maximum of 20 years in jail.

How far away from the goal is a penalty kick taken?

A goal kick is a direct free-kick awarded to the defending team. It is awarded when a player from the attacking team causes the ball to cross the goal line and a goal is not awarded (for example, because the ball went wide of the goal, or a the ball crossed to goal line as a result of an indirect free-kick). A goal-kick is taken by the goalkeeper or any defending player placing the ball in his own goal area (six yard box) and hoofing the ball upfield. Technically a hoof is not compulsory, but the fast majority of goal-kicks are hoofed upfield. All members of the attacking team must leave the penalty area until the ball has left the penalty area following a goal kick. The ball must leave the penalty directly from the kick. If the kicker fails to kick the ball outside the penalty area, the kick is retaken. A goal can be scored from a goal kick, because a goal can be scored from a direct free-kick. An own-goal cannot be scored from a goal kick, because an own-goal cannot be scored from a direct free-kick. A goal kick is called a goal kick because it is taken from the goal area (six yard box). A player cannot be offside from a goal kick.