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Q: What year did arsenal join the permiership?
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What year did nasri join arsenal?

Samir Nasri joined Arsenal in June 2008.

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September 1991

What year was Arsenal funded?

Arsenal were founded in 1886 and, in 1893, became the first club from the south of England to join the football league

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No Fabregas will not join Barcelona next year as he has a contract at Arsenal.

Who will win the 2008 permiership?

Chelsea or Liverpool

When did Theo join to arsenal?

before you

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How much did eduardo join arsenal for?

Eduardo joined arsenal for aproximatly 21,0000

Who was the last arsenal player to join spurs?

sol campbell... for a free contract lasting just one year! hope this helps :)

When did fabregas join arsenal?

11 September 2003

What is arsenal academy website?

can my joing arsenal

How do you join arsenal club?

you have to be a good footballer(extremely good)