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Q: What was the score of UNLV's first round win against Idaho State?
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Related questions

Who were the first people in Idaho that came when Idaho became a state?

Lewis and clark

What state was the first potato planted in?

Idaho is the state were the first potato was planted.

When was Idaho's state seal adopted?

The first seal was adopted in 1863 when Idaho was a territory.

What was the first permanent settlement in the state Idaho?


What year was Idaho's first public school established?

1890. When Idaho became a state.

What are facts of Idaho?

Idaho's first inhabitants were Native Americans!!!! it became a state in July 1890

When did boise become a state captal?

Boise became a state capital when Idaho became a state, in 1890. It became the capital of Idaho Territory in 1865. The first capital of Idaho Territory, from 1863 to 1865, was Lewiston.

Who was the first governor of Idaho?

George Laird Shoup was the 17th and last of the Territorial Governors of the Territory of Idaho, and the first Governor of the State of Idaho. William H. Wallace, who was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln, was the first of the Territorial Governors. A link is provided for you to look over the list of all the Territorial and State Governors of the State of Idaho. You'll find that like below. The current governor of Idaho is Butch Otter

The first state governor of Idaho?

George L. Shoup

What is the first state to begin with the letter i?

idaho, illinois,indiana,iowa

Who was Idaho's first predisent?

President Benjamin Harrison Idaho became a state in 1890, July 3 President Abraham Lincoln Idaho became a Territory in 1863

Who founded the state of Idaho?

Mormons found Franklin, which was the first permanent settlement, in 1860.