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Mexico won 2-0

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Q: What was the result of the match played between France and Mexico?
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The Alliance of 1778 between the U.S. and France ended.

What was result of the war between the US and Mexico?

The US won and received Alta California and Nuevo Mexico by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

What was one result of the war between Mexico and the US?

The US had achieved Manifest Destiny.

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the answer is the republicans party stopped supporting France

As the result of what war did Mexico accepted the Rio Grandee as the border between T Texas and Mexico?

The Mexican-American War, 1846-1848.

Was War of 1812 was between France and the US?

No. The War of 1812 was between Great Britain and the US. France and the US have never officially fought a war with each other. France was involved, however, as the War of 1812 was a result of a lull in the Napoleonic Wars.

What territory did Texas surrender to Mexico as a result of the Compromise of 1850?

Texas surrendered its claim to New Mexico; this was a bill to defuse the slave question (i.e: it had nothing to do with the country of Mexico, but between the U.S. North and South).

Why did America help Mexico against the French?

To prevent a puppet state on its southern border, which would eventually result in a larger conflict between both France and the United States. President Lincoln provided financial and diplomatic support to Mexico, however besides a surge of American troops at the Mexican-American border, no American troops were involved in the Franco-Mexican War.

How did the US policy toward France change under the John Adam's administration?

Do United States in France became enemies result of the XYZ affairDo United States in France became enemies result of the XYZ affair