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the thai government has not even spent a quarter of the money given by other countries. any money that has been spent has mostly been spent helping the rich

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Q: What was the 2004 boxing day tsunami money spent on?
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What is the name of the 2004 tsunami?

Sumatra 2004 2004 Boxing day tsunami

What time was the boxing day tsunami?

The Boxing Day Tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. This was one of the most detrimental tsunami's to hit Indonesia on record.

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No, it´s the opposite. boxing day tsunami was one of the biggest tsunamis in history

Is the tunami 2004 Boxing Day real?

yes it is watch it on youtube its called: 2004 boxing day tsunami

When did the 2004 boxing day tsunami happen?

I would venture a guess at 26 December 2004

How much money was spent after the 2004 tsunami?

3 times more than the amount for Haiti :) hope this was helpful

When was Hurricane Katrina and the Boxing Day tsunami?

Hurricane Katrina stuck at the end of August 2005. The Boxing Day tsunami was on December 26, 2004.

How many people died in the Boxing Day 2004 day tsunami?

150,000 people died in the tsunami

What was the actual date of the Boxing Day tsunami?

December 26 2004.

What disaster occurred on Boxing Day 2004?

Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

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What created the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami?

the 9.3 earthquake before it i think