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16.1 mph

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Q: What time would a runner achieve if his average speed over 100 meters is 13.89 mph?
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A runner takes 4 minute to run 1500 meters. What is his average speed in meters minute?

375 meters/per minute

What is the average speed of a runner who completes a 1500 meter race in 4 minutes 10 seconds?

About 365.5 meters a minute.

What is the speed of a runner who travels 150 meters in 2.25 minutes?

66⅔ meters per minute.

If someone ran 100 meter in 20 secondsthen ran another 100 meters in 25 seconds what would the runner and average speed be over the whole 200 meters?


The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.3 min is?

The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.3 min is 6.41 m/s.

A long distance runner started on a course running at the average speed of 6mph one half hour later a second runner began the same course at an average speed of 7mph how long after the second runner?

9 hours

How many mph is the average runner going?

The answer depends on the distance for the race. A marathon runner could not maintain the speed attained by a sprint runner.

Runner has an initial velocity of 4 meters per second After 20 seconds the runner's velocity is 6 meters per second Which is the runner's acceleration?

Magnitude of average acceleration = (change of speed) divided by (time for the change)Average 'A' = (6 - 4) / 20 = 2/20 = 0.1 meter per second2-- That's the average over the 20 seconds. We don't know anything about thevalue of the acceleration at any particular instant during the 20 seconds.-- We're working entirely with scalars ... speed, not velocity, and magnitude ofacceleration ... since we don't know anything about the runner's direction atany time during the whole event.

What is the average speed of a runner running a 1500 m race in 3 minutes 49.67 seconds?

The average speed of the runner is 1500m/(180 + 49.67) seconds = 6.531 m/s or 13 knots.

If a runner was travelling40 meters in 8 seconds what speed would he be travelling at?

40 metres in 8seconds what would the speed be

The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.6 min is?

Approximately 5.208 meters per second. Alternatively, 11.651 miles per hour.

A runner runs 3 km in 5 minutes what is your average speed?

3 km in 5 min => his average speed is 36 km in 60 min, that is 36 km per hour. Clearly an extremely fast runner and way faster than MY average speed.