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Q: What three people are generally credited with inventing the modern game of tennis?
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Nobody is credited with inventing the meat tenderizer. This is a tool that people have used since early civilizations. The first person to patent the meat tenderizer was Walter Dura in 1954.

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There are no schools of inventing, people learn to invent from school

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Constantly. Apart from full lines which have trickled into common usage, he is also credited with inventing many words that are still used today.

What problem did inventing the bicycles solve?

The bicycle was the first generally affordable means of personal transportation, allowing people to work, study and socialize outside of walking range of their homes.

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The Byrds is the rock album with the most people credited on it.

What else was Alexander Graham Bell famous for?

he was famouse for inventing the telephone to help deaf people and to make it easyer for people that cant hear to somunicate with other people