

What the plot of cricket boy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What the plot of cricket boy?
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What is the plot of the story cricket boy?

A boy plays cricket he loves it... Then he gets involved with a group of gangsters only to be killed by a whack in the head from a cricket bat when he does not kill his old friend Murphy when asked to by the gang.

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Who is the characters in the story of the cricket boy?

Protagonist and antagonist of the story the cricket boy

What is the complex of the story of A cricket boy?

the cricket

What is the falling action part of the story the cricket boy?

In the falling action of "The Cricket Boy," the Emperor's cricket is defeated by the Boy's cricket in a thrilling match. The Emperor accepts defeat and honors the Boy for his cricket's skills, marking the resolution of the conflict in the story. The Boy's cricket's victory brings pride and happiness to his family and villagers.

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Protagonist and antagonist of the story the cricket boy

Why he could cricket in the story of the cricket boy?


What is the introduction of the cricket boy?

the cricket sell in the villagers

What is the point of view of cricket boy?

.. the cricket boy fight to the emperor .. tnx so much