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you should run

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Q: What should you do if a cyclone comes?
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Where does the force of a cyclone come from?

Cyclone is caused due to the variation of atmospheric pressure in the air. Especially in the low atmospheric zone, air comes from all sides to balance the atmospheric pressure in that area. That's why cyclone is created. So the force for cyclone comes from variation in atmospheric pressure.

What are some of the things that you should do if you hear that there is a cyclone warning in your area?

well the best thing to do is stand outside and face it one on one, cyclones are terrified of humans, once the cyclone comes towards your area you should start talking to it if its a nice cyclone then it'll understand where you coming from and most likely leave you and your town. its what everyone does these days its just logical

Does the Tippmann 98 Custom Platinum come with cyclone feed?

No, only a Tippmann A-5 comes with a cyclone feed standard. However a Cyclone can be purchased that will fit the 98 Custom.

Why is it important to know about tropical cyclone?

It is important to know a tropical cyclone because you never know when you will have one and so you know what to do when the time comes.

Is it safe to use a phone during a cyclone?

no you should not use the phone while a cyclone why because it's dangerous

What should i get a tippmann 98 custom and get cyclone or A5?

It is cheaper to get the A5 then the 98 with Cyclone. They will be identical otherwise, except for looks.

How do you minimise the effects of a cyclone?

according to weather reports,we should move with our belongings to safer places if there are chances of a cyclone to occur. by-siddhi sethia

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Was Cyclone Tracy a tropical cyclone?

Yes, Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone.

If you have a Tippmann 98 customized with a cyclone feed system do you need to use Tippmann A5 parts?

No. the cyclone feed should tap into the gas line already built in for a response trigger. you should be fine.

What does typhoon mean in Greek myth?

Typhoon comes from "typhô", and so means cyclone, hurricane, smoking one.

The origin of where typhoon originates in the Philippines?

The word typhoon comes from china. It is the Chinese word of Cyclone.