

What percentage of people can run a triathlon?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What percentage of people can run a triathlon?
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How long do you have to run in the Olympic triathlon?

The running portion of the Olympic triathlon is 10k.

What percentage of people have completed an Ironman Triathlon?

A Ironman Triathlon consisting of a two point five mile swim, a one hundred twelve mile, bike ride and a twenty six point two mile run, performed in that order and without a break. Ironman events have a time limit of seventeen hours to complete each segment. There is not a listed percentage of how many have completed a event as the percentage would change after each event.

What is the distance of the triathlon run?

It is 3000 miles

How long is a triathlon run?

50 km

What sports are in a triathlon?

a triathlon contains swimming running and bicycling

Why do people have to run 26 miles for Triathlon?

26 miles is a marathon. Its 26 miles because it is named after a famous run a messager made in ancient Greece. He relayed a message to the city of Marathon, Greece which was 26 miles away. So a triathlon consists of 2 milea of swimming, biking and a marathon.

What events and distances comprises the Chicago Triathlon?

The Chicago triathlon includes a 1.5 kilometer swim, a 40 kilometer cycle race and a 10 kilometer run.

Should Three Legged Mutants be Allowed to Run in the Olympics?

Only in the Triathlon

What is the Definition of a triathlon?

Tri - Means Three Athlon - Means Competition A Triathlon literally refers to any competition of three sports/activities. However, it has linked with the Swim/Bike/Run competition, that goes by the name "Triathlon".

How many events are in a triathlon?

Three. The triathlon contains segments of swimming, cycling, and running. A 'full' triathlon consists of a 2.4 mile (3.8 km) swim, 112 mile (180 km) cycle, followed by a marathon run (26.2 miles, 42.195 km). The triathlon in the Olympics consists of a .93 mile (1.5 km) swim, 24.8 mile (40 km) cycle, and a 6.2 mile (10 km) run.

What is a mini triathlon?

A mini triathlon is shorter (in terms of overall distance) event that is designed to allow new triathletes to better their skills, or to encourage fitness enthusiasts to try the sport of triathlon (Swim + Bike + Run). Amongst the triathlon community, there are no standard distances for a mini triathlon; however, the distances would be on the order of: Swim (100 yds to 1/4 mile) Bike (6 miles to 12 miles) Run (1 mile to 3 miles) There are some generally accepted standard triathlon distances for longer events: Iron Distance (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) Half Iron Distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) Olympic Distance (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) A mini-triathlon may also be labelled, "Super-sprint", "sprint", "try-a-tri", "give it a tri"

Who started Girls on the Run?

Molly Barker, who has a Masters of Social Work degree and is a triathlon athlete, founded Girls on the Run International.