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57% or 50%, I'm not sure.

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Q: What percentage of NFL revenue goes to NFL players?
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Related questions

What is each NFL player's share for television contracts?

Players do not receive any compensation for TV revenue. That goes to the owners who pay the players whatever their contract states they earn. Players are paid every two weeks.

What the purpose of the nfl?

To create revenue for its players, coaches, owners, officials, and excecutives.

What is the purpose of the NFL?

To create revenue for its players, coaches, owners, officials, and excecutives.

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Who pays for NFL players?

The teams that they play on pay the players' salaries. The revenue that the teams take in from ticket sales, television agreements, revenue sharing, etc provide the funds that allow those teams to have the capital to pay the players.

What percentage of NFL players wear mouthpieces?

Approximately 40% of the NFL players don't wear them according to this article.

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What is the percentage of NFL players that have won three Super Bowl rings?

Answer It is 35.3534343252466333376553465654%

What percentage of NFL players who suffer an ACL injury are forced to retire?

21% of all players that get ACL injuries retire

What percentage of NFL players are gay?

There is no official statistic on the percentage of NFL players who are gay due to the personal nature of sexual orientation. However, some estimates suggest that a small percentage of NFL players may identify as gay or LGBTQ+.

What percentage of NFL players get injured?

Fifty percent.