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Hi - Yes there is : * Pregnancy. * Hormonal imbalance. * Approaching period. * Too much progesterone. * Medication you are taking. * Some Birth Control pills.

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due on your period

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Q: What other than pregnancy causes a woman's nipples and aerolae to get bigger and become dark?
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Could your nipples get darker and get bigger in false pregnancy?

I hope si

Breast changes during pregnancy?

yes, breast changes significantly! They become bigger, firmer and the circles around nipples become much darker. At the end of pregnancy they sometimes start leaking colostrum.

What are the signs of pregnancy in golden retrievers?

nipples get bigger, increased a book on it or consult your vet.

Do all women's nipples get bigger during pregnancy If so will they go back to normal size after the baby is born?

No, some stay the same size during and after pregnancy.

Why do nipples get bigger during pregnancy?

because your baby's vision isn't very good at birth. Your nipples get big and dark like huge targets for your little buddy to find his/her food!

What does it mean if dogs nipples are bigger?

If your dog's nipples are getting bigger and it is a female it probably is having puppies soon. So watch over your dog and if they keep getting bigger, and bigger she would most likely be having puppies.

What are the changes for a girl in puberty?

brest become bigger. nipples darken. pubic hair begins to grow.

Your nipples look darker and bigger why?

The nipples look darker and bigger as you may now be pregnant.

Do bigger nipples mean bigger breasts?


Do dogs nipples get big when in heat?

A female dog's nipples get bigger when she is pregnant because the puppies can more easily get ahold of bigger nipples to nurse from their mother, plus milk collects in the body of the mother and that makes the area bigger.

Is it normal for your nipples and areolas not to have darkened or gotten bigger at all by 10 weeks?

It's fine. Mine didn't darken the entire pregnancy and everything was fine. Healthy baby, healthy pregnancy and I was able to nurse perfectly.

Do Asian women have bigger nipples?
