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Q: What is the word where two boxers are hitting their gloves on their hands at the beginning of a fight?
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Which venues in the USA allow you to bring under 16s to live boxing?

Junior boxers are what boxers between the ages of 8 and 16 are called. Junior boxers are featured in the Golden Gloves tournament. There are also gyms which cater to junior boxers like Church Street Boxing and Fight Factory Gym.

Why are boxers known as boxers?

because they fight in a box

Are boxers forced to fight into the ring or is it there decision?

Boxers are forced to fight in the fighting ring but if they do choose to fight outside of the ring, they will be disqualified.

Do you have to unlock boxers in fight night round 3?

No, Just If You Like Better Boxers But You Have Got Already Lots Of Boxers

Can three heavy weight boxers together kill a tiger in fight?

In a fight between three unarmed heavyweight boxers and a tiger, the odds are on the tiger.

Why Do Boxers Fight?

cause they call ya mar

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What is the part where the boxers fight called?

boxing ring?

What do girl boxers look like?

Girl boxers typically wear athletic gear including boxing gloves, shorts, and a sports bra or tank top. They often wrap their hands and wear headgear for protection during training or sparring sessions. Additionally, many female boxers have their hair tied back securely to prevent distractions and ensure safety during a fight.

What weight gloves do heavyweight boxers wear in a professional bout?

Prior to a bout, both boxers agree upon the weight of gloves to be used in the bout, with the understanding that lighter gloves allow heavy punchers to inflict more damage. From wiki. Whoever said 10kg must have been a lunatic.

What does don gloves mean?

to fight or get ready to fight <><><> Here, "don" means to put on. As in a boxer donning his gloves- or a surgeon.

How many boxers can't walk again?

A lot of boxers can not walk in the world. They cant walk because they have gotten injured in a fight. Many boxers can't walk.