Hsu Feng-pin was born in 1981.
Camille Pin was born on 1981-08-25.
You would have to be more specific on the year the pin you have is from for a more accurate value. The size of the pin, the year it is from, and if it is a photo pin. A modern pin could be worth around $10. to a vintage pin dating back to the 1926 World Series could be worth hundreds. If it a World Series press pin from 1926 the value could be as high as $1,300.-$2,400.
Hit the reset button in the back of the ATM and the pin resets to the defaulted value of 1234
What is the value of oringinal first world championship game afl vs nfl pin
Sara Da Pin Up was born in 1981, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.
Have a look on eBay for the specific pin and bar you have, though they vary from £4 to £20
The question about 1944 National league champ pin SHOULD SAY PENNANT not pin....Ignore this and the real question isWhat is the value of a 1944 St Louis Cardinals national league champs pennant
20-60 usd
around 200