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Q: What is the third law of motion in swimming?
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Related questions

What is the difference of third law of motion to other law of motion?

The third law involves direction!

Which law of motion For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction?

That is basically a popular statement of Newton's Third Law.

Who made the third law of motion?

Sir Isaac Newton discovered the third law of motion.

What are the motion?

newton first law of motion newton second law of motion newton third law of motion newton gravitation law of motion

What kind of science does swimming have?

It is explained by the Newtons third law of motion. When you push the water backwards, equal and opposite force takes you forward

Which law of motion describes equal and opposite forces of action and reaction?

Equal and opposite forces was Newton's recognition of equal anti-parallel forces, or the sum of the forces is zero in Equilibrium.

How do you derive newton's third law of motion from second law of motion?

You cannot. Newton's third law is independent of the first and second laws.

What are all laws of motion?

Law of Inertia, Law of Mass and Acceleration, and the Third Law of Motion.

Applications for Newton's third law of motion?

Applications for newton's third low of motion

What is newtons Third law of motion is also known as action?


Who discover newtons law of motion?

Isaac Newton, he discovered: -Newton's First Law of motion. -Newton's Second Law of motion. -Newton's Third Law of motion.

What is newtons third law of motion called?

Newton's third law of motion is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law is also called reciprocal motion/force or "action-reaction."