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Q: What is the relation between String Theory and Multiverse?
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String theory, the multiverse. Or are you referring to UFO's and the 2012 end of the world?

Is here going to be a big bang today?

Perhaps somewhere in the vast universe (or multiverse if you believe String Theory). But in our galaxy? Not likely. But no one could answer that for sure.

What is String Theory Explain in Detail?

String theory is the theory that smaller than atoms or even quarks are billions times smaller things called strings waving closed or open bands this is a big supporter of Universe or Multiverse?

How many realms of reality are there?

If you're christian, one. If you're naturalist, I've heard from one, ours, to a multiverse with infinite. One particularly strange theory is that there are infinite 'brane worlds' in a string. That theory came from string theory, to m theory, which also states there are eleven dimensions. Many of the worlds greatest minds can't explain it properly.

Does the string theory bridge the gap between Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics?

No, string theory is an attempt to bridge the gap between EVERYTHING, not just relativity and quantum, into one fundamental theory.

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theory does not include practice but professionalism does

What is the theory of other universes?

"multiverse" And its not really a theory as (so far) its untestable.

Comparison between scientific management theory and human relation theory?

Similarities between the classical and human relations theory

How is the multiverse defined in science?

The multiverse is a relatively new theoretical framework for describing our universe and how it came to be. It is proposed by string theory and quantum mechanics. It is often described as infinite space or higher-dimensional space in which there are an infinite number or a huge finite number of universes including the observable universe in which we live.

Does the multiverse exist?

no one knows The Multiverse is simply a theory. No one really knows, and no one can prove it. yet. You simply have to believe.

Is string theory the closest theory to a unified field theory?

Yes, so far it is- string theory explains many of the unresolved fundamental problems of our century, such as the opposition between Quantum Mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity.

What is the difference between quantum gravity and string theory?
