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Q: What is the name of the 11 year old skater in the x games?
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Who is the worst skater?

Some 4 year old ball sucker.

Who is steven fernandez?

Steven Fernandez, (Baby Scumbag), is a 13-year-old skater from LA.

Who is the man in the video Old Man by Redlight King?

His name is James Quaintance, he is a model/pro skater.

Who is cierra kelly wood?

Cierra is an 12 year old roller skater and in 2020 she is going to be the best there is! written by cierra

How old is Starr Andrews the skater?

She is 10 years old.

Birthday present for your 13 year old boyfriend?

You should get him either a pair of aviator sunglasses or a flat brim skater hat

What should I get for my 14 year old skater boyfriend for Christmas no picture frames or scrapbooks?

mabey cd's or a new pair of skates

How old is the Skater Lil will?

lil will is 13

What is the common fashion for 12 year old boys?

skater, rocker, jock, comfy, banders (band shirts and stuff), mixed, goth

Can a 20 year old skater who has just started become pro?

yes of course.impossible is nothing. if you have perseverance and hard work you can become a pro.

When are you too old to become a pro skater?


How young is the average pro skater?

about 19 years old.