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There are some ways. It is prefer with HCl gas.

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Q: What is the most suitable test for identifying ammonia?
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How do you measure ammonia level in fish tank?

There are several simple to use 'Test Kits' available at most pet shops.

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What test can be used to confirm the presence of water in ammonia complexes?

You can buy a test kit at a fish store and then you can test it by yourself!

Is biuret test suitable to test the presence of proteins in the urine?

Yes, the biuret test will indicate the presence of peptides. If it turns violet, it is a positive result.

How do you test for ammonia gas?

The most common way is to place a damp red litmus paper near it. It turns blue if the gas is ammonia.Place a damp red litmus paper over the mouth of the test tube. Ammonia gas turns damp red litmus paper blue. Ammonia also has a pungent odour.Ammonia turns red litmus into blue.It also emmits a white gas with HCl.