

What is the meaning of outdoor games?

Updated: 4/6/2020
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11y ago

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games that we play outside the house or outside the building

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Are indoor games better than outdoor games?

Outdoor games rule. You get fresh air and lots of space!

What is outdoor games called in Hindi?

Outdoor games are called 'Maidani-khel' in Hindi.

What is the definition of outdoor games?

Outdoor games are those games which we play any outside place like in Ground, Park, Garden, Stadium etc.

Where is games play?

outdoor games outside and indoor games inside

What are the best outdoor games?

Many popular outdoor games include ball games (such as kickball, soccer, football and toss), horseshoes, badminton, and tag or chase games for children.

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Its simple

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Can computer games replace outdoor game?

Well no they cant,cuz the outdoor games r good 4 ur health and computer games r good 4 having fun!outdoor games cannot B replaced but as we C in the world of 2day,it is cuz kids every where like computer games better!

What are outdoor games?

Outdoors means that something is not inside of a house or other building. Outdoor games, therefore, would be anything played outside. Some examples might be ball games or racing.

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What is the meanning of outdoor?

Outdoor involves participating in adventurous challenges in the form of outdoor activities like hiking, climbing, canoeing, rope courses and group games.