

What is the leaf type of an silver maple tree?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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a silver maple leaf

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What is the leaf type of an silver maple tree?
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What type of tree is the maple?

As far as I know is a maple tree one of the Acer family, The maple leaf is the leaf of the Canadian Ahorn or Esdoorn

How does the maple leaf represent Canadians?

At least one type of maple tree grows in every Canadian province.

Is maple an adjective?

No. A maple is a type of tree. The word may be used as an adjunct with other nouns (maple syrup, maple leaf) but it is not an actual adjective.

What type of leaf is on the canadian flag?

The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf; specifically, a sugar maple leaf.

What type of tree is maple syrup from?

Maple Tree

What type of leaf is in Canada's flag?

a maple leaf

What type of maple leaf is on the penny?

The type of maple leaf that is on the Canadian penny is a Sugar Maple leaf. While this is commonly excepted, it is not a maple at all. Maple leaves grow in paired opposite attachment along the stem, the penny has a two leaves attached individually. While the original artist may have thought it was a maple it is probably a London Plane Tree. I am referencing my university botany instructor on this one, but I verified this with phylotaxic diagrams.

What type of leaf is featured in Canada's flag?

a maple leaf

What is a maple tree's habitat?

A maple trees habitat is a coniferous forest. It is a special type of tree, and a maple tree is one of them.

What is meant by maple?

A "maple" is a type of tree, native to Canada.

What type of tree has a lot of sap?

A maple tree.

What is the Tallest type of tree tree in Texas?

it is the oak tree and maple tree.