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Well if your speaking in general its called a "spike" but that is normally what non-volleyball players call it, experienced players would call it a hit. But if your asking what each specific hit is called than, the hitter in the middle can run a 2 or a 3, the opposites run 5's and the outside hitter will run a 4. Back row hitters can hit as well but if they step in front of the 10 foot line its the other teams ball. The libero or DS can run an "A", The backrow outside can run what we'd call a "Pipe", And the remainder backrow player can run a "D".

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Q: What is the hit called in volleyball when a setter sets the ball up?
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an assist in volleyball is when a setter sets the ball to the hitter for a kill

What is trapping in volleyball?

trapping in volleyball is when the setter sets the ball to tight to the net. where he/she would put the ball so close to the net that their hitter's only option would be to hit the ball into the block.

What is when a setter sets it over the net CAlled?

Dumping the ball

What is a dump in volleyball?

A dump is when the setter tips or sets the ball over the net to score a point instead of setting the hitters.

What is the quicker in volleyball?

A quick set in volleyball is when the setter sets the middle player at a very low height to surprise the other team at the speed of the ball.

Meaning of setter in volley ball?

the setter is the person who sets the ball to the spiker!

What is the definition of the volleyball term set assist?

The Term "Assist" in volleyball is when someone hits the ball into the net on your side of the court and a different team mate hits the ball after it falls out of the net. Generally the hit is directed to the opposite side of the net.

On volleyball how many hits per person?

When the ball comes over your side, your team only has 3 hits to get it over. In those 3 hits, a person cannot hit the ball 2 times in a row. A player can bump the ball to the setter, then the setter sets the ball, and he/she can hit it again.

What position in volleyball does the person hit the tandem?

It depends who the setter sets basically what happens is the setter will choose to set either the power or middle player. If the setter sets the middle player, the power player will come into "hit the ball" really what they are doing is tricking the opponent into thinking they are hitting the ball if they fall for it the blockers will set up and try to block power while in reality it is the middle player hitting the ball. And if the setter set power you do the same thing. The setter will set the power player off the left arm of the middle player (thats how middle will no the sets not for them, also the setter will set the ball shorter for middle) Anyways! once the setter sets the ball for power the middle will go in for the "attack" when in reality they are faking the hit to distract the opponent while the power player pounds the ball to the ground! hope this helped! :)

What does sets down mean in volleyball?

Set's down means that the setter is back row, so they are not able to tip over the net. Set's up means that the setter is front row, so they can jump and tip the ball.

How are the different types of sets categorized in volleyball?

There are multiple sets in volleyball. They are mostly categorized by numbers. You have an outside which is a 4. A weak side hit which is a 9. The middle can run a 1 or 2. A 1 is when the ball is just above the height of the net and the hitter runs to the setter as soon as the ball is passed. A 2 is a set that is a little higher than a 1 ball and the hitter waits an extra second or two after the ball is passed. You also can run a 31 or a 32. These sets occur between the outside and middle hitters. This is mostly for the middle hitter and works especially well for a lefty middle hitter. A 32 is when the setter lobs the ball and a 31 is when the setter kind of throws the ball at the spot. A 31 is like a shoot set. A shoot set is when the setter sets the outside hitter but sets the ball quick and the ball is at a line drive, not a lob. It is very similar to a 31. A pipe is a hitter in the back row that occurs in the 6 position (Middle of the back). The setter sets the ball high close to the back row line and the hitter jumps and spikes the ball. The hitter cannot pass the back row line. A back 1 is when the setter sets a 1 except it is behind his head . This is killer for a left middle hitter!

What is fake hit in volleyball?

A fake hit in volleyball is when a setter sets the ball to, lets say, the outside hitter, well all players act like they're going to hit it but only the outside hitter hits it.