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in Ireland they have 1.2 million but world wide its 42 million

I'm recently doing some reserch on Liverpool fans in the republic of Ireland,and to me it is Liverpool who is much more the dominant team that people in the south of Ireland follow more so than utd,i would say at least 2 1/2 to 1,maybe even 3 to 1 for Liverpool fans

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13y ago
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13y ago

Its difficult to tell the exact number (actually i was Surfing for the same myself )but LFC is probably in Top 10 Clubs World Wide in terms of fanbase, with millions of fans around the globe.

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13y ago

87 million Liverpool fans support Liverpool

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13y ago

Certainly bigger than the likes of Arsenal, Chelsea, Rangers, Tottenham and Celtic. Not sure of the exact figure

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12y ago

manchester has more fans meaning theyre more popular, but liverpool fans are more passionate towards their club

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15y ago

What a silly question.

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14y ago

over 1 mill

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How many Liverpool FC fans are there?

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There are Liverpool fans all over the world. To give you a sense of how many worldwide fans there are, a recent study said that Liverpool has the third most sold fake jerseys, behind Manchester United and Barcelona. Just goes to show how many people want a Liverpool Jersey (cause their fans but do not want to pay full price).

How many Liverpool in number have fans in Britain?

Over 82 0000

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Who has more fans Liverpool or everton?

Liverpool. It use to be the case that Everton had more fans in Liverpool. However over the past 10 years there has being a considerable swing. Liverpool has had a larger international appeal for a long time due to being the more successful club.Liverpool have an estimated 120 million fans worldwide.Everton have an estimated 15 million fans worldwide.Everton are the best though.Flashman42 - 15,04,11Well done to whoever edited this last, everton are the best. ;)

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Liverpool fans are angry and bitter with the two Yankees owners of Liverpool, who have taken their club to big debt and ruin in their eyes.

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People will say liverpool, but i have no doubt villa do.

Are there more everton fans than liverpool?
